SPIRIT - phantom powered SupertubeTM

The Phædrus Audio SPIRIT is designed to operate as a tube impedance converter in microphones supplied solely with 48V phantom power. Heater current is reduced to 400µA so that the nominal 6V heater may be supplied from the 48V via a 100k resistor.

The Phædrus Audio SPIRIT SupertubeTM matches the dimensions of a standard B9A base device.

The Phædrus Audio SPIRIT possesses a low anode impedance which ensures that it will match with a wide range of output transformers: and its very low initial electron-velocity input current ensures the tube matches a wide range of modern and vintage capsules. Internal self-biasing reduces external circuitry to a minimum.

“..... the SPIRIT Supertube can be used to revisit a classic microphone design without the requirement of a special power-supply.”


An example of how the SPIRIT Supertube can be used to revisit a classic microphone without the requirement of a special power-supply is given in the illustration below, in which a Neumann U47 design incorporates a Phædrus Audio SPIRIT SupertubeTM

A full datasheet for the Phædrus Audio SPIRIT SupertubeTM is available.

For more information contact: sales@phaedrus-audio.com


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