The Phædrus Audio PHAB-S is mains-powered, 2U unit housing a recreation of two channels from the the famous all valve (vacuum tube) recording console used to record The Beatles.
The PHAB-S is based around two instances of the fundamental building-brick of The Fabs' console: the Type 47 modular amplifiers.
The Phædrus Audio PHAB-S microphone preamplifier incorporates the front-end of a two channels of the famous Stereosonic consoles, in which the modular-amplifier is combined with a rotary attenuator, switchable pad, high-pass filter and gain-switching circuitry.
The PHAB-S also incorporates the back-end of the mixer too: including master, studded faders for each channel and the historic Stereo Shuffler pioneered by The Beatles' recording team to improve stereo imaging (when using the PHAB-S as a stereo unit).
The PHAB-S also incorporates a DI input on channel 2 ("right" channel).
Much more information is available on our Phædrus and the FABs..... The Beatles Recording Gear page.
Here's the circuit schematic of the PHAB microphone preamplifier: an EF86 pentode valve followed by an ECC88 dual triode "strapped" as a single, high-mu tube. The PHAB-S incorporates two examples of these amplifiers; one for each channel.
Click the link to download the PHAB-S manual.
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